香 港 愛 貓 救 世 軍 |
Hong Kong Cat Salvation Army |
愛動物 愛環境 Love Cats Love
Animals Love the Globe |
最新呼籲 Newest Appeal ( 1-12-2016) 貓友胡老師召集愛貓人領養流浪貓 Appeal for
Adopting 3 stray cats by MS Wu 胡老師收留了三隻失去母親的小街貓,經悉心照顧,現徵求托養及領養者… |
計劃及最新活動Projects &Newest
Events |
社區愛貓關心TAR計劃Trap-Alter-Return |
長期行動 Ongoing
Campaigns |
-20 / 1 / 2015 城大 City
University 動物治療睇真D講座 及 醫貓同樂日 Seminar
on animal assisted therapy & InterCation Day 貓模貓樣步行籌款
Dressed-up WalCAThon |
如何真正可以減少流浪貓的苦難? How can sufferings of stray cats be reduced? 為甚麼我們要為家中及街上的貓兒絕育? Why do we need to desex your cats at home or on the streets? |
愛貓救世軍推動「貓友唔著皮草」 HKCSA promotes for “Cat People No Fur” 呼籲特首伉儷及公務員以身作則不穿皮草 CE couple and civil servants urged to say No Fur |
Learn about HKCSA |
面書 Facebook |
會員褔利Member Welfare |
Notes on HKCSA �
Application �
捐款Donation �
Centre |
準備中Under Preparation |
即日起愛貓救世軍會員到官塘動物醫院更有獸醫服務全面九折優惠。貓打防疫針及絕育八折。查詢電話:27934088 From now on, HKCSA members will have 20% off all vaccinations
and desexing surgery at |
動物愛心教室Humane Classroom |
檔案室Archives |
過往活動Past Activities |
一本記錄愛貓救世軍領養出去貓貓的故事書 亞 kit 在街上救回來時只有幾天大。親眼看著牠長大。生命之無常,在其之難測朝夕。別矣亞Kit。然而還有亞Kat繼續成長,我們繼續有救無類。 Kit was only a few days old and rescued from the street.
Watch him growing up before your eyes. Life is so fragile and unpredictable
to the miutes and the hours. Goodbye Kit. But Kat
is going strong and our works for all the cats must go on. |
SARS與流浪貓無關 非典型肺炎與貓冠病毒SARS
& Feline CoronaVirus CSA公屋寵物政策 反對虐待動物
Home page / Membership Application / Donation / Adoption Centre / Cats in News / Cat People Cat World / Web Community
主頁 / 會員申請 / 捐款 / 領養中心 / 貓訊速遞 / 貓友貓天地 / 網上社區updated on 1.12.2016
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